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频道:家教直通车 来源:南京家教网 点击:78 日期:2/1/2025




笔底龙蛇(Bǐ Dǐ Lóng Shé


This idiom refers to a person's exceptional skill in calligraphy. It vividly describes the fluid and dynamic strokes of a writer's pen, as if Chinese dragons and snakes were dancing across the page.


The phrase originates from the Ming dynasty novel. In the story, someone praises another person's extensive knowledge and talent, saying, "Your writing flows like Chinese dragons and snakes—truly the work of a talented individual." This highlights admiration for the writer's elegant and energetic style.

蛇珠雀环(Shé Zhū Què Huán)


This idiom refers to the story of a snake carrying a luminous pearl and a sparrow holding a white ring to express gratitude. It symbolizes the repayment of kindness.


This idiom originates from the Ming dynasty text LiuQingRiZha by Tian Yiheng. It tells the story of a kind man who helped a snake and a sparrow. In return, the snake brought him a precious pearl, and the sparrow delivered a white ring. The story emphasizes the moral that even animals repay kindness, setting an example for humans to do the same.

灵蛇之珠(Líng Shé Zhī Zhū)


This idiom refers to the legendary Sui Pearl, a priceless treasure. It is often used metaphorically to describe extraordinary talent or something of great value.


This idiom originates from the ancient Chinese text Huainanzi. According to legend, the Sui Pearl was a rare and priceless jewel found in the head of a spiritual snake. The text compares this pearl to other legendary treasures like the Heshibi jade, symbolizing ultimate value. Over time, the idiom came to represent exceptional talent or something of incomparable worth.

楚相断蛇(Chǔ Xiàng Duàn Shé)

含义解释:比喻人做好事必将得好报。This idiom means that good deeds will always be rewarded, emphasizing the importance of virtuous actions.


The story tells that Sun Shuao, a future prime minister of the Chu state, who as a child encountered a two-headed snake. Fearing it would harm others, he killed and buried it. He then told his mother, worrying that seeing the snake might bring him misfortune. His mother reassured him, saying, "Those who perform virtuous deeds will be rewarded by heaven." Indeed, Sun Shuao later became a highly respected official, known for his kindness and integrity.




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